I and You Program

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June 29th (7pm) and June 30th (3pm)

The Bridge Theatre




Caroline………Kaylee Barrett

Anthony……...Abdu Hytrek





Director / Producer……………….Jacob Sundlie

Lighting Design / Operator…Kathleen Alexandrou

Sound Design / Operator…….. Tristan Flanagan

Scenic Design…………………………..Nick Hahn

House Manager (June 29)………..Ethan Wintgens

House Manager (June 30)……..Tristan Rose Gillia




Kaylee Barrett (Caroline)

New York debut! Kaylee graduated from Otterbein University’s BFA Acting program in 2018. Previous credits: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Honey), Top Girls (Pope Joan/Angie), The Crucible (Mary Warren), The Last Five Years (Cathy). Many thanks to Jacob for making this all happen and her family and friends for their unconditional love and support. She would like to dedicate this performance to Kevin, Andy, and Grandpa. Much love.


Abdu Hytrek (Anthony)

Is excited to make his debut at the Bridge theater. Other theater credits include By Association (MPAACT theater) The Realm (The Other Theatre Company) Animals out of paper (Shattered Globe Theatre) Les Miserables (Schimmel theater) Pete(her) Pan (Schaeberle Theater) Murder Pass (The Tank). Mr. Hytrek currently is a rising junior at Pace University and is attaining his BFA in Musical Theater. He wants to thank his amazing mother for being the best mom in the world.


Kathleen Alexandrou (Lighting Design / Operator)

Is super excited to design the lighting for I and You! She is entering her second year studying theatre design and production at the University of Michigan. Her past designs at Michigan include The Theory of Relativity and Daughters, produced by Basement Arts; and Horns, produced by Blank Space Workshop, and most recently she worked as an electrician at Spoleto Festival USA in Charleston.


Tristan Flanagan (Sound Design / Operator)

A recent graduate of Emerson College, Tristan has moved to New York City and is working as a technical director at MSNBC. He is thrilled to be working on this production and is happy to be returning to some of his theater roots. In his free time, Tristan enjoys photography and traveling.


Nick Hahn (Scenic Design)

Is a technical director and designer from Columbus Ohio. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Otterbein University and is currently the Assistant Technical Director of the Short North Stage.


Jacob Sundlie (Director / Producer)

Former intern at Laura Stanczyk Casting. Recent grad from Otterbein University where he directed projects such as Next to Normal, 2.5 Minute Ride, Kwatz! The Sound of a Hammer Hitting the Head, and Don’t Let Me Walk Away. His other directing credits include: Dear Marie (Marblehead Little Theatre) and Witness (Gordon College).





“The past is just a story we tell ourselves” – Her (Spike Jonze)


“You will forever be my always” – Walt Whitman


“We were together. I forget the rest.” – Walt Whitman


“Because somewhere, even unseen, unnamed we wait for each other.” – Lauren Gunderson


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Producing Consultant: Thomas Fiffer

Host: Shetler Studios & Theatres



Alex Armesto (Videography / Photography)

Jenny Barrett (voice of the mom)


Please turn off all cell phones during the show.

The show will run 80 minutes with no intermission.